Eyes and their health
Released on = April 2, 2006, 6:28 pm
Press Release Author = Curt Deckert Associates, Inc.
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Our eyes are a wonderful instrument and we need to take good
care of them. It helps to know a little more about the design and capability of our
eyes to care for them better.
Press Release Body =
Our "Eye Design" Web site has been providing links for eye health and other related
resources. It helps provide readers with answers for eye design, optics related to
the eye, eye health, and about how our eyes function. This eye research has helped
hundreds of thousands of people of all ages to gain a better understanding of vision
systems. This research, including many pictures and links, has been expanded for
those with a general interest in eyes, optical systems, intelligent design, evolution, science, technology, and our Creator. Please review and pass on the
following revised web site about intelligent design in eyes by the most creative
We may match many of the optical capabilities of some of Nature's eyes, using
today's technology, and yet we can't approach the small size of complete vision
systems. As we compare optics in nature with the development of man's present
optical system design capabilities, we are amazed at what exists around us. For
example, special-purpose eyes for a select animal such as the pit viper's visual
infrared systems are under present study by the U.S. Air Force and others to help
learn how to design better IR sensors. Similar man-made IR systems require complex
detector cooling and image processing to match the vipers' routine optical
performance as it locates its next meal. Even when we compare computer chips and
cameras, which have been reduced in size, to a simple sea slug, it still outperforms
a typical portable computer vision system with respect to overall size and
efficiency of vision processing. This comes partially from different methodologies
of processing. Computer scientists are now considering some of these methodologies
for making improvements in future vision systems. Although scientists claim
biological systems came from natural selection, they have difficulty duplicating
them with the help of modern science. On the other hand, modern science is helping
us understand vision systems of simple-creatures". These eyes contain technology
beyond today's typical machine vision systems. There is more use of thresholds,
relative motion sensing, and adaptation in biological systems than in typical
machine vision systems.
Web Site = http://www.cdeckert.com
Contact Details = Curt Deckert
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